BLA Library

Located in Brantford, Ontario, at 70 Wellington Street, the Brantford Law Association serves approximately 100 lawyers both within Brantford, and throughout Brant County, Paris and the Six Nations. With a varied collection and access to technology, the BLA strives to meet the needs of all lawyers. The BLA Library is a private library for the use of its members, and lawyers of the Law Society of Upper Canada. 

The Brant Law Association library is situated on the third floor of the Brant County Courthouse and is divided by 4 rooms housing the collection, work stations and worktables. Robing rooms are situated on the 2nd floor. The library is staffed Monday - Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. BLA members in good standing can access the library 24/7. 

Reference Services
Staff is available to answer reference questions, and provide assistance in locating resources i.e. case law, articles, and note-ups.

Print Collection 
The collection is listed in the online catalogue, AdvoCAT, which can be accessed through the icon on the desktop of each workstation in the library, or by choosing Online Catalogue on the BLA website or by clicking here . New books are displayed in the rear area of the library.

Computers are available in the library with access to word processing software, the internet, printing services. Each computer has free access to Lexis Advance Quicklaw, DivorceMate, and O'Brien's Forms and Precedents.

Book Borrowing
Members of the Brant Law Association are entitled to sign out print materials from the print collection for a 2 week loan period. In order to reduce loss of material and to ensure availability for all members, library users must sign out all materials and return them promptly. Circulation cards are provided in the back of most books. If a card in not available, please advise the library staff. All material is subject to immediate recall when required.
Interlibrary Loans (ILLO)
LibraryCo has established a free document delivery service between the County & District Law Libraries. This service allows us to borrow most materials from the libraries listed on the online catalogue. Participating libraries will either make copies of the section required or lend the text to us for your review. Generally, loan periods range from 3 - 14 days depending on the currency of the material. LibraryCo covers the cost of the courier to acquire these items.

Services Available in the Library
Research and reference services are offered at no cost to members.

Self-service photocopier/printer available at no charge to members and for a 25 cent per page charge for non-member.



Paper Shredder


Binding Machine